Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Future

I talked with the kids tonight about what they'd like to do in the future.
Rachel - sing, play the guitar
Megan - design 'something' for the runway (She was trying to be coy...we all knew what she meant.)
Jonny - director, author, programmer, comic book creator (The next Joss Whedon is a common answer for him.)
Jacob - not sure he had an answer this time around...

I love the excitement they display when talking about what they love. Everyone has a dream, right? We have some work to do.

We talked about Dad teaching Rachel how to play the guitar, Megan designing modest clothes, and discussed the idea of Jonny making sure his material/media was appropriate. (I have to sneak the values in there whenever possible - just to be clear.)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

License Plate Game

There are many people who play the license plate game while they are traveling. It typically involves looking for consecutive letters in the alphabet. We do something a little different around here during the summer. This is just when we're out and about - it usually involves being on the freeway. We try to find how many different states are represented as we drive around. I asked the kids today if they were picturing where the state was when we said the name. (Jacob nailed it when asked. I think I might have felt an eye roll fest in the back from the others.) They are fun to look for - especially during the summer. We live in a place where people actually come to visit and vacation. Weird, we know.

Here's today's list:

Colorado, Nevada, California, Missouri, New Mexico, Arizona, Washington, District of Columbia, Illinois, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming...there might have been a Kansas in there too...or maybe it was Kentucky. I guess we won't count it.

How many different license plates did you see today?