Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Leanardo

We went to the Leanardo yesterday. There is a new exhibit called 'Animal Inside Out'. They had a discounted price to go along with the Arts Festival that's going on this week-end. We decided to write down some of the things we learned and thought were interesting.

Jacob - horses can't throw up. The way their throats and stomachs are made it's impossible for it to come back up.
Pigs blood system (circulatory system) has a lot of blood through most of it's body. The middle part has a minimal amount of blood.
Sheep can move tail only left to right. Goats can also move tail up and down.

Megan - we're all connected. Octopus and squid eyes are different. I think the octopus have eyes like people and squid have swirly eyeballs.
Reindeer hearts are huge.
Cats have lots of veins connected to the brain. And, their eye ball muscle are next to their brain.

Jonny - the word 'muscle' comes from 'little mouse' because the Romans thought it looked like mice moving under the skin. (Creepy!)
Horses brains are smaller than I thought they would be.
Oxen have big butts.

Rachel - I didn't really like anything. It scared me.

Mom - so many things animals are formed in a similar way. The same parts are just put together differently. Humans take the longest to reach sexual maturity. We also have the longest life span.
Birds and mammals have the same types of hearts. Small bird heart only had left and right ventricle.
Giraffes are the only animal that can regurgitate their food while running.

Dad - I don't know right now. (Maybe we'll have him contribute something later.):}

There were quite a few things we were able to see and learn. I thought it was fascinating and would have loved to have spent more time there. They had a large cross section of a giraffe (plastic) hanging from the ceiling. There was information to read and displays to look at throughout.

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